How we do

Empowering Communities Together

We collaborate with communities to create and solutions for a better future.


We create ideas and opportunities with the youth to aquire future development skills 


We educate our local citizens on how to keep their communities and enviromment clean and safe for a healthy living


Empower Change

Youth Empowerment

Empowering young minds through skill-building workshops and mentorship programs.

Community Outreach

Engaging with local communities to address social issues and promote positive change.


Raising awareness and advocating for important causes through impactful campaigns.

Get involved

Empower Voices, Ignite Change Today

Join THE AWAKENED VOICES to make a difference. Volunteer for impactful projects, be a voice for change, and participate in events shaping your community's future.

Call to learn more


These are all new hand crafted cups and lamps using locally sourced materials such as bamboo and coconut shell natural and environmental friendly, available on order

Latest news and updates

Stay informed with our latest articles.


Exciting upcoming cleaning happenings in town.


Highlighting extraordinary individuals making a difference.

Main Event

Launching the awakened voices on the 1st of April 2024


Expert advice for a clean environment 


Cleaning our spaces to ensure a better community.

Contact US

Get in Touch Now!

Reach out to THE AWAKENED VOICES today

for collaboration and empowerment